North Carolina Fastest Growing Economy since 2013

North Carolina has had the country’s fastest-growing economy since 2013

“A state’s GDP, or gross domestic product, is the total of all goods and services it produces. And McCrory said that since he took office, no state has increased its gross domestic product faster than North Carolina.

He credited the state’s cuts to the income tax rate and unemployment benefits, and the outsourcing of economic development efforts. He also clarified that he was talking about the numbers since January 2013.

“We have delivered $4.4 billion in tax relief, fixed our broken unemployment insurance system and reformed our economic development strategy to strengthen North Carolina’s economy and put more people back to work,” McCrory said in a statement. “These efforts have positioned North Carolina as one of the fastest growing populations as well as (the) fastest growing economy in the country.”

Economies are subject to a number of influences. For this fact check, we won’t attempt to say what has or hasn’t been responsible for the state’s economic growth.

Instead, we will look just at whether it’s true that North Carolina has “one of the fastest growing populations as well as fastest growing economy in the country,” as McCrory claimed.” excerpts from the Plitifact article.

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